Berry71Bleu – July 2016 Challenge – «Fantasy it is»

Hi there,

It’s the first time that I’m taking part in a Berry71Bleu challenge and I’m so happy because this month the theme is the misty twilight world of fantasy.

Berry July


I was thinking about what I could do when I saw a pumpkin that my father gave to me last year. This pumpkin is from my garden and if you let it dry, you can do amazing things.




Fantasy 2 (2)

Some close ups,

Fantasy - Part 1 (2)Fantasy - Part 3 (2)Fantasy - Part 4 (2)


  1. I used a branch from a bush for the mushroom’s stalk, for the ladder and for the mailbox’s pole.
  2. The fairies are «Wycinanka» chipboard. I painted them with watercolour pencils from Staedtler.
  3. I have used paper from «7 Dots Studio» for the base, the ladder, the pond and the waterlily, the mailbox and various leaves.
  4. I also used «13 Arts» microspheres, glass beads and small pebbles to decorate the stem of the toadstool and the edges of the pond.
  5. The mailbox is made from «7 Dots Studio» paper, folded into mailbox form and glued to a lilac tree branch, whereas the letters are made from greaseproof paper folded into tiny rectangles.

Fantasy - Part 2 (2)

So I hope you like my work and my interpration of the fairies habitat.

Try to add a little magic to your day everyday!

Have a magical day!

Hola a todos,

Me presento por primera vez al reto del blog BERRY71BLEU. Este mes el tema es la fantasía. Y mi interpretación ha sido construir la casita donde viven las hadas.

Espero que os guste.

More Than Words – July 2016 Main Challenge – Smile & Sketch.

Hi all!

This month I’m having a fab time creating my canvas for «MORE THAN WORDS» july challenge.

The word inspiration this time around is SMILE and the creative challenge is the following SKETCH.

July Sketch MTW

More Than Words

And my interpretation is …

Elephant 2 (2)

Elephant - Part 1 (2)

Elephant - Part 2 (2)

Since I was little I have loved elephants. They are a very intelligent bunch and when I saw this photo I thought that it was ideal to use in my project.

It seems incredible that an animal can SMILE in this way and transmit so much happiness.

I’ve used a watering can to create interaction between the photo and the canvas using microspheres, glitter and some glass beads to simulate the falling water.

This time I used a lot of watercolour, «7 Dots Studio» paper, «Wycinanka» chipboard, «13 Arts» microspheres, among other things but I’ve dedicated a lot of time to draw and paint the red flowers.

Bye bye and have fun.

Hola a todos,

Este mes el tema del blog «MORE THAN WORDS» es la sonrisa y cuando vi la foto de este elefante no dudé en que era perfecta para mi trabajo. Además de ser mi animal preferido, me parece increíble cómo esta imagen puede transmitir tanta felicidad.

Espero que os guste y hablamos prontito.

Un fin de semana inolvidable

Hola, ¿qué tal estáis?

Hacía mucho tiempo que no publicaba nada. La verdad que últimamente he andado un poco liada pero no quería dejar de contaros lo especial que ha sido para mi este fin de semana.

Ha sido el cumpleaños de mi tía y hemos ido toda la familia a darle una sorpresa. Bueno, a ella y a mi tío, al que tenía muchísimas ganas de ver. Y la verdad, que salió todo redondo porque no sospechaba nada de nada. Menuda alegría se llevó.

Ha sido algo muy especial y muy emotivo y lo voy a recordar siempre.

Os enseño el regalo que le hice a mi tía y a mi prima.

Espero de corazón que les haya gustado.

Mixed Media Canvas - Family (2)

Mixed Media Canvas - The world is beautiful with you (2)